October 9, 2018

MRO Europe 2018 – Amsterdam

Revima Group will participate to the MRO Europe 2018. The event will be held on October 16 – 18, 2018 in RAI Amsterdam. We will be delighted to welcome you on our booth #5002.

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June 18, 2018

Same team, same facility, NEW NAME !

As of June 25th 2018, Revima and Revima APU will become a unique company named REVIMA, still located in our historical plant. This change doesn’t impact the contact points for customers and partners, as we will operate the APU, Landing Gear and Engine Parts activities as Business Units of REVIMA, with dedicated leadership in operations, […]

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June 18, 2018

Avsi de parution

Avis de projet de fusion entre les sociétés Revima APU et Revima SAS suite au dépôt du projet de fusion au registre du Commerce et des Sociétés au Greffe du Tribunal de Commerce de Rouen en date du 22 mai 2018 : AVIS DE PARUTION REVIMA et AVIS DE PARUTION REVIMA APU (Information disponible sur […]

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January 16, 2018

Press information

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